Alongside runing the store I work for a CBD start up company started by my best fried Sara. I love our company so much and really beive in our product. Its a tough industry because there is so much out there that isnt really what it says it is. Companies selling hemp oil labled as CBD bc of lack of regulation leading people to think CBD doesnt work and the industry is all snake oil. Its sad because when seriously considered, cannubas being used as a pain manament method is alot healthier and helpful than the pharmecuticals alot of people find them selves eventaully dependant on and further dibilated by.
I was brought on board the small team of 3 to help find some marketing and branding direction.
I did a bunch of research and submitted some really crazy mood boards

The team was like WTF do we do with all this.
I sent them the biggest weirdest moodboard of all time but i was really just trying to fish out what everyone liked and didnt like.
the one theme we kept all liking was natural+holistic
but we needed to get that to incorporate older crowds that werent into new age sorts of vision.
Then it came to me:
Ann Brigman
she was a perfect inspiration for the brand considering her work was set in the same natural enviroment we are in and speaks to both esotarics and classic art collectors alike.

Sara was super into it. It had all the natural magic and female energy( as Pluss100 is a Woman owned company) we were looking for
and fro this^^^
we got this vvv