My name is Lindsey Correia. I am the person behind HappiestWorld. I just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself. I have been on etsy for 13 years now. I cant believe it. Wow!! :D When the shop first started, it was called EarthAngel. I was really young and I needed money to supplement me while I went to college. I had so much  fun and made a lot of amazing friends. I really enjoy the communuty aspect of Etsy the most. I took some time away, but am back working on a rebreand, and am so excited to be here again. 

I have been collecting vintage my whole life. When I was a little girl, my  Grandma worked at the Salvation Army and frequently would take me to work with her. Their was a giant cave of teddy bears and all the toys I could ever want in this little room with giant french doors. It was amazing!  It never occured to me that the items were used or in any way less valuable because they were old. Till this day I see so much potential in what surrounds me, and now because of polltion, there really is a dire need to stop mass producing new items. I find vintage peices to have way more individual style,  while simeultaneously being of much higher grade quality than things produced new today. 

I belive we can come to the happiest vision of the world by putting our best minds forward and fuse mindfulness with visual planning. 

I am an artist in Reno Nv. My family was eclectic, if not just all around bizarre and insane. Plus we were in Carson City Nevada. It was the (perpetual) 80s of the the wild west and everyone had style. 

I went to school at the community college and transfered to UNR for my BA.  First I studied pychology, than swtitched to studio art and finally settled with  Art History and Museum Studies. I currently am an intern for the Nevada Historical Society, helping with the American Gaming Archive. We have over 2 Million peices!!! Its amazing. I will try and post some stuff about it in the future.  Also I  try to help out as much as I can at a local all ages non profit Art Gallery and Music space,here in Reno called Holland Project. Please! Please! Please! Check it out if you are ever in reno, looking for a gallery to propose a show, or are going to be passing trough with your band looking for gigs. We also host severy community events such as crafters workshops and marketplaces.  I have been on thier Gallery Committee for the gallery there for 2 years, there are 2 galleries on sight as well as 4 satelite spaces. Aside from that I work what ever paying job I can seem to find,(the museum and gallery are intern/volunteer)  part time or otherwise. Currently that is helping with my friends CBD startup and working in a call center. Woo Fun! :P

Mucic, Art, History and Community based projects are my passion. Collecting, Buying,Selling and Trading vintage natuarlly falls right into that. 

I do work in wholesale and have worked with some really amazing people as far as styling and currating thus far.

I am always eager to collaborate with other artists and stylists so please reach out if you want to work together. 

If you have any questions or just want to say Hi please feel free to contact me.