I recently updated the website layout and am working hard to clear out old stock and bring in some cool new peices. This summer my goal was to shave down the size of my inventory and I feel like I accomplished that. I would to get rid of some of the more every day items in the store and just have a small well currated selection of special peices and wearables.
I am so excited for the near future. I am sober from alcohol and 2 weeks out from getting my drivers license again.
Life is about to get really cool i think. (i hope!!)
After interning at the Historical Society for 2 years and having everytihng I worked for burn up in a hot pile of Covid nightmare things are finally circleing back around.
I really need to find a job, and like a real one where i can put my education to work and not be regulary and cassually sexually harrassed. My last few jobs have been seriously traumatic. I dont know what is wrong with people anymore. Employers are so innappropriate and abusive towards their employees and there is like no oversight or anywhere you can really turn to to enforce ethics. Its really unfortunate.
I want to work towards something in styling or archiving but, becasue I live in Reno that is pretty much a pipedream. LOL everything out here is either mining, wearhouses, casinos, or for the state.
Its ok. Anything will do for now. I was thinking about maybe going into Nannying again or something with kids. I just want something wholesome and stable. So i can save a little money, then look for better opportunities elsewhwere and move away. Reno feels like a giant Trap House and I cant take living on a dead end street anymore.
I made a mood board for HappiestWorld a few weeks ago to help me envsion what the fall and near future will look like for the shop, I am still seeing a lot of 70s prairie stuff influencing, and a lot of mod and space age styles hitting as well. Y2k is only going to keep getting cooler as well as any aesthetic having to do with motorcycles, nature, being magical, being goth or being mad about the status quo. times are bleak so we have to weave our own fantastic adventre stories with our ourfits
here is the link to the board and some looks im obssessed with lately
I have really been liking peasant scarfs lately. I worked with this really pretty blonde girl from Nebraska last summer and she dressed super gorpcorey - lots of hiking pants, tennis shoes and oversized tshirts but she would always finish the look with a pretty bandana tied around her heair and it would elevate the look so much - it was so unexpected. like the equivalent to putting a lace hem on a patagonia jacket.

then their is this push with cottagecore that is going into cottage fantasy and medieval lore that also incorporates all the quilted styles that are in rn

which takes us into like a punk rococo vivi westwood nina hagen sort of vibe

which lastly brings me to my latest obssesion - bras being worn as tops / shirts

there are a million more trends id love to get into but we will leave it here for now.
tah tah till next time.
:* <3 <3 <3 HW + Lindsey.